New DNA test:
More and more Americans are discovering their cellular age is younger than the age on their passport. 
Are you one of them?
  •  Discover your cellular age
  • Get a personalized plan to improve it
  •  Take control of your aging
How does it work?
1. Order your TeloYears test kit
2. Mail back your sample
3. Discover your biological age
What will my results include ?
Results include your TeloYears Test Report and the TeloYears Blueprint for Aging Well.
What are people saying about TeloYears?
TeloYears set a health baseline for me to work on. Call it a nudge that my time is running out. New health information and technology has made it easier. Now living healthy for longer is the goal.
I was adopted at 2 years of age and don't know a lot about my family's health history etc. I came down with an autoimmune disease and I was wondering If this test would help me understand how my body is aging. I am 74 years old, but have never felt or looked close to my age. 

When my TeloYears results came back, I was shocked to learn that my TeloYears age was quoted as 54. Wow, I thought, this is exciting news! Overall I am very healthy, and this is a very minor disease so thank you for your assistance. I am attaching the latest photo taken of me. I am the one without the fur :)
I really believe in the science behind the TeloYears test. They gave me a very detailed explanation of my results. I have worked hard most of my life to take care of my health. Yet, I ended up going through cancer and treatments. 

It is a great relief to find out that I am actually two years younger in TeloYears than my biological age! All of my careful dieting and exercise must have paid off. I have also taken may supplements that help to extend the life of my telomeres. Thanks for helping me to live a better life!
New DNA test:
More and more Americans are discovering their cellular age is younger than the age on their passport. 
Are you one of them?
  •  Discover your cellular age
  •  Get a personalized plan to improve it
  •  Take control of your aging
How does it work?
Order your TeloYears test kit
Mail back your sample
Discover your biological age
What people are saying 
John Ulness
Maestra 1
"Eye Opener"
"Very interesting results"
"Better Living Through Science "
TeloYears set a health baseline for me to work on. Call it a nudge that my time is running out. New health information and technology has made it easier. Now living healthy for longer is the goal.
I was adopted at 2 years of age and don't know a lot about my family's health history etc. I came down with an autoimmune disease and I was wondering If this test would help me understand how my body is aging. I am 74 years old, but have never felt or looked close to my age. 

When my TeloYears results came back, I was shocked to learn that my TeloYears  age was quoted as 54. Wow, I thought, this is exciting news! Overall I am very healthy, and this is a very minor disease so thank you for your assistance. I am attaching the latest photo taken of me. I am the one without the fur :)
I really believe in the science behind the TeloYears test. They gave me a very detailed explanation of my results. I have worked hard most of my life to take care of my health. Yet, I ended up going through cancer and treatments. 

It is a great relief to find out that I am actually two years younger in TeloYears than my biological age! All of my careful dieting and exercise must have paid off. I have also taken may supplements that help to extend the life of my telomeres. Thanks for helping me to live a better life!
Frequently Asked Questions
How accurate is the TeloYears test?
Our tests are extremely accurate and repeatable. We use our proprietary qPRC method to ensure precision and accuracy of the TeloYears genetic test (the coefficient of variability of our average telomere length measurement is < 3%). In fact, our telomere measurement method has been peer-reviewed and published in the April 2017 issue of The Journal of Applied Laboratory Medicine.
What if my age in TeloYears comes back older than my real age despite a healthy lifestyle?
Your TeloYears age is based on several lifestyle factors, and while you may be excelling in one area such as exercise, there may be other areas that you can still improve on, such as stress management or sleep quality. The "Blueprint for Aging Well" that accompanies your results will help you determine what areas you can focus on to improve your telomere health.
How is TeloYears regulated? Is it approved by the FDA?
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) regulates laboratory testing in the USA through the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA). The TeloYears lab is regulated under CLIA as qualified to perform high complexity clinical testing. Based on passing an inspection and meeting stringent quality standards, we have earned a CLIA Certificate of Compliance and were last inspected in February 2016. It has not been cleared or approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Why should I trust your company and lab results?
The Nobel Prize in Medicine for discoveries in telomere biology was awarded to one of the founders of Telomere Diagnostics, the makers of TeloYears. No other DNA test has had more prestigious scientific research supporting its development. The TeloYears lab is CLIA certified and our proprietary qPCR telomere measurement method has been peer-reviewed and publish by The Journal of Applied Laboratory Medicine.
Why do you use blood instead of saliva to extract my DNA?
While telomeres could be measured from saliva, the result can be more variable due to external factors like toothpaste, food, coffee and other contaminants in your mouth. Blood is the standard utilized for telomere measurement in most scientific studies as it is typically more reliable than saliva. The TeloYears method to collect a drop of blood via a simple and painless fingerstick offers the best combination of reliability and convenience.
Is there a risk that my blood sample may degrade on its way back to the lab?
Our packaging protects both the kit and your sample from extreme environmental conditions, so there is no need to worry about a reduction in the quality of your sample. However, if at any time during the testing process we suspect that your sample may have been compromised, we will contact you immediately and send another kit free of charge.
Why does it take 3-4 weeks to receive my results?
Measuring your telomere length is a highly complex process. It goes through several steps in our CLIA certified lab and must pass numerous quality checks. Our rigorous standards are in place to deliver the highest-quality service to our customers. We know you are excited to get your results and we strive to return them as early as possible.
Can a similar test be done by my doctor?
Doctors don’t have the necessary equipment or procedures in place to measure your telomere length, so they usually send them out for analysis. When you order TeloYears directly from our website, your order is reviewed by an independent doctor who places the order on your behalf. This step is included at no charge as part of your TeloYears service.
TeloYears is not intended for screening, diagnosing, treating or preventing diseases or medical conditions. The site does not offer medical advice and nothing contained in the content is intended to constitute professional advice for medical diagnosis. TeloYears may indicate the possibility of identifying a rare telomere syndrome associated with extremely shorter or longer average telomere length (ATL). In these rare cases, further testing and consultation with a doctor to rule in or rule out a telomere syndrome is recommended. TeloYears is available for individuals between the ages of 20 to 80 within the United States, except for the state of New York. The information provided by TeloYears should not be used to replace medically appropriate screening tests recommended based upon actual age or other risk factors, nor should the information be used to make decisions about diagnosis or treatment of diseases or medical conditions. The Telomere Diagnostics lab is regulated under the Clinical Laboratory improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA) as qualified to perform high complexity clinical testing. The performance characteristics of TeloYears were determined by Telomere Diagnostics. It has not been cleared or approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
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